Books on Faith – What’s Your List?

Here’s the list of books about faith: The Bible, by Dr. Richard C. Laramy; God is Not Like Us, by Dr. Robert A. McKenzie; Don’t Worry, be Happy, by Dr. Anthony Vanzant; World Without End, by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale; God’s Word, by Dr. John Kichner; and Do Your Thing, by Dr. Larry Crabb. I’m not sure if this final one is actually written by Dr. Crabb. The other books seem to be written by Christians. If you’re not sure who any of them are, search the names of their authors and see what results come up Marilynn James. There’s nothing wrong with looking up books on faith by other Christians – it’s just an issue of confirming that they’re from reliable, respected sources.

The majority of the books on this list date back to the past decade. In the past few years there has been a rise of faith non-Christian books. It’s not difficult to believe that this is due to the doctrines of Dr. Wayne Grudem and other religious leaders. There’s no doubt that the popularity of televangelists Televasts has led to the increase in non-Christian books. (We’ll get to that in a moment.)

What’s next? There’s a whole bookshelf of books written by Christians alone. They cover everything starting from the Bible to Hebrews and prophetics. Some of the books on this list were written by famous Christians such as James Truslow Adams and C. Peter Piper. I don’t think that all these books are good however they are certainly some of the most popular.

Next on the list is a section devoted to books about faith. It’s not as large of as the ones previously mentioned, but it’s quite long. The most important feature to consider here is what are called “post-millennial” books. These are books which discuss the last thousands of years or more as the time frame that led to the formation of Christianity and the reason for why some things are repeated today while others aren’t. They usually focus on the fact that the modern church can’t claim to have followed Christ after this time since it was many years ago.

This is the problem with this viewpoint Books on Faith. You’ll soon discover that much of the Christian faith you are learning today was taught by Christ’s followers. Also the notion that the Christian faith was established after Christ’s time and that it doesn’t change is a myth.

There is no obligation to believe it. You can find the information elsewhere. There are thousands upon thousands of books written on religious subjects by experts. Many of these books contain valuable information that will help improve your understanding of the Christian faith.

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